Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur, recognized for movies like Masoom, Mr India, Bandit Queen, has revealed he was provided Rs 300 crore to make a sequel to Anil Kapoor and Sridevi’s Mr India. A fan on X tweeted to him- “Sir with due respect, dont you think after the films ends, if it leaves you with the feeling of revisiting it, is the true assessment of job well done? Till when can just fan service and them rejoicing go on for.”
Kapur replied- “It’s film that emotionally move generations, that define an age. Those are the important films. And @iamsrk has done quite a few I was offered 300cr to make Mr India 2, claiming they will make their money back in just 3 weeks I said 3 weeks? but Mr India has lasted 30 years.”
The filmmaker, whereas interacting with a fan on X, identified the significance of constructing movies that final for generations, citing the instance of the ‘Jawan‘ star.
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Anil Kapoor and Sridevi’s blockbuster of 1987 was within the information for a few years for a possible sequel, however no replace on the identical has been given by the makers but.
Shekhar Kapur on SRK’s Pathaan look
Taking to his Twitter earlier this yr, the acclaimed filmmaker posed a query whereas complimenting the actor for his seems to be. He wrote, “How does #ShahRukhKhan continue to look so amazing ? .. he could give heroes half his age a run for their money #PathaanTrailer.”
Reacting to his tweet, director Sudhir Mishra additionally added a praiseful remark and wrote, “Is it because he’s extremely intelligent, has an incredible sense of humour, is charming, self-deprecatory but simultaneously has an enormous of self-respect?”
Within the meantime, a lot of SRK’s followers agreed with him and continued with praises and compliments. A consumer wrote, “So true. He is really amazing”, whereas one other fan wrote, “It’s his inner positivity which makes him glow.”