The newest actor to heap praises on Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is Celina Jaitly. She lately noticed the movie and tweeted- “It took an Indian JAWAN to strike BARBIE & OPPENHEIMER out of their own regional dominance… What a wonderful era for our Indian cinema and all thanks to our JANASHEEN~ Emperor @iamsrk I guess I must stop playing my violin in a bikini and ab “main bhi VILLAIN banoongi because then @iamsrk ki tarah mere saamne koi bhi HERO tik nahi sakega.”
It took an Indian JAWAN to strike BARBIE & OPPENHEIMER out of their very own regional dominance… What an exquisite period for our Indian cinema and all due to our JANASHEEN~ Emperor @iamsrk
I suppose I have to cease enjoying my violin in a bikini and ab “most important bhi VILLAIN banoongi as a result of…— Celina Jaitly (@CelinaJaitly) September 11, 2023
The actress additionally congratulated the complete crew of the movie by exclaiming, “What a magical team … Floored forever !!!!!!”
Just lately, Mumbai Saga and Shootout At Wadala director Sanjay Gupta additionally had one thing to say concerning the movie.
Taking to X, he put out two tweets praising the main man of the movie; his first tweet read- “I saw JAWAN. I feel compelled to share this. Back in the 90’s when the underworld bullying of the film stars was at its peak @iamsrk was THE ONLY star who never gave in. “Goli marni hai mar do, par tumhaare liye kaam nahin karoonga. Main Pathan hoon. He’s the same today.”
Jawan’s box-office
After a record-breaking prolonged opening weekend, Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Jawan maintained a strong grip on its first Monday on the field workplace. As per the early estimates, the massy-actioner has earned round Rs 28 crore to Rs 30 crore yesterday, which takes its Hindi model to Rs 280 crore, whereas the inclusion of Tamil and Telugu variations takes its collections to Rs 312 crore. The collections would have gone as much as Rs 40 crore nevertheless it was affected by India Vs Pakistan match yesterday.